Careers and Openings

Short-Term Commitment to Long Term Care

The best part of my 35+ year career has always been improving the lives of those

entrusted to our care, alongside those that are dedicated to do the same.

I am thankful for the 25 years I served as a multistate vice president of operations.

However, personally serving as an interim Administrator has reignited the foundation of

why I do what WE do for those we serve... our patients, our residents, our families, and

our hero front line care givers.

If you are interested in a short-term commitment to long term care, let’s connect. Be it

4 weeks, 4 months, or fulltime committing to multiple assignments. Providers need

good leadership and I intend to provide that in their time of need.

If you have an interest, would appreciate the chance to connect. Feel free to call me


Thank you much, 


Jim Grady, Owner

Executive Source LTC

(502) 435-1498